Tag: SunSmart

Sunsmart programmes in New Zealand schools

Sunsmart programmes in New Zealand schools

When it comes to being SunSmart, New Zealand schools are known for it. Students are taught how to be SunSmart at school and the proper way to keep yourself and most importantly your skin safe when exposed to the sun. Schools ensure Hats, sunscreen, and more important things that are needed when in the summertime.

New Zealand’s schools have a big policy on wearing hats in the summertime and all NZ schools have this one rule that is most commonly known when in the summertime is, no hat, no play. If you do not have a hat, the teacher or teachers will then tell you to go and sit under a shady spot, a shady spot is very well needed for a SunSmart school, and in New Zealand, SunSmart schools have a lot of shady spots for students and staff to sit under.

Also, a big thing that is given to kids before going outside is sunscreen, sunscreen is provided to students and teachers to keep the skin of everybody cancer and sunburn free. Teachers also encourage students to drink more water and to bring a water bottle to school so that it is easier for them to drink water.

Schools also provide swimming lessons in the summertime for the students, so that they can learn and also cool down. Swimming is very important when in the summertime because of the hot weather. Kids can keep themselves cool while swimming and they also get to learn new swimming skills and become better swimmers. The downside of swimming is that the water reflects sunlight so when swimming you could get sunburnt quicker. Luckily there is water proof sunscreen to help when swimming so there is no worries of getting sunburnt in the water.

The Slip, Slop, Slap, and Wrap SunSmart values are a big thing that is taught to students at school. It teaches them an easy way to remember what to do when going outside into the sun. You should Slip on some clothing like a long sleeve t-shirt to protect your arms from getting sunburnt, Slop on some sunscreen to keep your skin protected from the sun, Slap on a hat, mostly a wide brim hat to protect your face and neck, and lastly wrap on some sunglasses to protect your eyes from the sun.