Today for CyberSmart we discussed Google Meet. We thought through all the things that you need to have thought about before you jump on a Google Meet with your class, as well as how to behave during the meet.

I hope you like this helpful presentation I made to help you know about things to do on a Google Meet.


AJ – Explanation Writing

In swimming, there are so many styles and skills to learn like the backstroke, freestyle, dive and so much more, but the only way to know how to do all these amazing swimming styles and skills is by learning how to swim.

In swimming, it can help you with your fitness and health benefits. You can also learn amazing styles, skills and it will also help you with your survival. Swimming is very necessary for everybody in the world because so many people have already died! because they didn’t know how to swim. This is why we should all learn to swim and also because it is so much fun.

Speaking of fun, if you don’t know how to swim then try learning how to swim and it will be so much fun, you can learn new ways to float like a starfish float on your back and also a starfish float on your tummy. You could also learn different kinds of styles like the freestyle, backstroke, front crawl stroke, and more. Personally, my favourite style when swimming is freestyle because you get to do any kind of swim style you like. 

Swimming could also get you a job to be a lifeguard or as a swimming instructor. You could either teach kids and adults how to swim and how to keep themselves safe in the water or you could be a person that saves people that are drowning in the sea or even a pool. Both jobs are good because you are helping the community and keeping kids and adults safe.

Also in swimming, you could become a professional swimmer that does swimming races in the Olympics to earn a gold, silver, or bronze medal. You could also even become a professional that teaches people how to swim but I really suggest that if you are good enough to swim professionally, you should swim like a professional because for a gold medal you get $25,000, Silver medal $15,000, and bronze medal 10,000, but if you are a swimmer or swimming in the land of the USA you get paid $75,000 for gold, $50,000 for silver and $15,000 for bronze.

Swimming is very good, fun and wonderful. Swimming mostly helps with your survival and also for your health. It will also help you when you are swept away by a current and it will always keep you safe when you are in the water. This is why swimming is needed and necessary for everybody in the world.

Kawa of Care

In CyberSmart today we discussed the Kawa of Care document. I hope you like  and enjoy my work.

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